How To Get Rid Of Coffee Smell In Thermos?

Nothing spoils your morning brew quite like the smell of old coffee lingering in your favourite thermos. No matter how often you clean or try to scrub the interior, it always seems the pesky odour remains, no matter what. But don’t despair just yet! We have some creative and effective strategies that can help you get rid of those unpleasant odours once and for all so you can enjoy a fresh and fragrant cup of joe anytime you, please!

Lets Discuss Some important How To Get Rid Of Coffee Smell In Thermos?

Also Check: How to Choose the Best Coffee Machine in 2023

Top 5 methods of how to get rid of coffee smell In thermos

Using any of these simple methods can help get rid of those pesky coffee smells and restore your thermos to its former glory.

1. Boil Water with Lemon and Vanilla :

  • Fill a pot or kettle with enough water to cover the inside of your thermos
  • Cut a lemon into wedges, and add it to the pot with a few drops of pure vanilla extract
  • Put the lid on the pot and bring the water to a boil
  • Once boiling, carefully remove the lid and pour the hot water into your thermos
  • Let the hot lemon-vanilla mixture sit in the thermos for 15 minutes
  • Pour out the water, rinse out with cold water, and dry completely

2. Baking Soda:

  • Seal the lid and shake it to dissolve the baking soda
  • Fill your thermos with warm water and add 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • Let the mixture sit in the thermos overnight
  • The next morning, pour out the water and rinse out with cold water
  • Dry the thermos completely before using it again

3. White Vinegar :

  • Fill your thermos with warm water and add 1/2 cup of white vinegar
  • Seal the lid and shake it to dissolve the vinegar
  • Let the mixture sit in the thermos overnight
  • The next morning, pour out the water and rinse out with cold water
  • Dry the thermos completely before using it again

4. Activated Charcoal:

  • Pour some activated charcoal into the thermos and shake it to distribute the charcoal evenly
  • Let the mixture sit in the thermos overnight
  • The next morning, pour out the charcoal and rinse out with cold water
  • Dry the thermos completely before using it again

5. Coffee Grounds

  • Pour some fresh coffee grounds into the thermos and shake it to distribute the grounds evenly
  • Let the mixture sit in the thermos overnight
  • The next morning, pour out the grounds and rinse out with cold water
  • Dry the thermos completely before using it again
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee free of nasty odors!


Q: How often should I clean my thermos?

A: Depending on how often you use your thermos and for what purpose, we recommend cleaning it at least once a month. However, if you notice any odours or discolouration in the container, be sure to clean it right away.

Q: Can I use other liquids instead of water?

Yes, you can use a variety of different liquids to help rid your thermos of any unpleasant odors. Some popular choices include white vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda mixed with water.


Nothing spoils your morning brew quite like the smell of old coffee lingering in your favorite thermos. Fortunately, there are a few simple and effective methods that can help you get rid of those unpleasant odors once and for all so you can enjoy a fresh and fragrant cup o’ joe anytime you please! From boiling water with lemon and vanilla to using baking soda, white vinegar, activated charcoal or fresh coffee grounds, there are plenty of ways to tackle the smelly situation.

Be sure to clean your thermos regularly and if you notice any odors or discoloration in the container, take action right away! Enjoy a cup of coffee free of nasty odors!