How to Make Coffee in a Percolator: A Guide for Coffee Lovers

Do you love the rich and robust flavor of percolated coffee? Do you want to make your own coffee at home using a simple and classic method? Do you want to impress your friends and family with your coffee-making skills? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this blog post is for you.

Percolators have been around for a long time, and they are still popular among many coffee enthusiasts. They are easy to use, inexpensive, and durable. They can also make a large amount of coffee at once, which is great for serving a crowd. However, percolators also have some drawbacks. They can over-extract the coffee, making it bitter and acidic. They can also boil the coffee, which can affect its aroma and flavor. Therefore, it is important to know how to use a percolator properly, and how to avoid some common mistakes.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to make coffee in a percolator, step by step. I’ll also give you some tips on how to choose the best coffee beans and water for percolating, and how to customize your coffee with some tasty additions. By the end of this blog post, you’ll be able to make a delicious cup of percolated coffee that will satisfy your taste buds and make you feel energized. Let’s begin!

How to Use a Percolator: Step by Step Instructions

To make coffee in a percolator, you’ll need the following items:

  • A percolator (either electric or stovetop)
  • Coffee beans (preferably medium or coarse grind)
  • Water (filtered or spring water)
  • A measuring spoon
  • A grinder (optional)
  • A kettle (optional)

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Fill the percolator with water. Depending on the size of your percolator, you’ll need to fill it with enough water to reach the fill line or the bottom of the basket. You can use cold or hot water, but hot water will speed up the brewing process. You can also use a kettle to boil the water first, then pour it into the percolator.
  2. Grind the coffee beans. If you have whole coffee beans, you’ll need to grind them before using them. You can use a grinder or a blender to do this. The ideal grind size for percolating is medium or coarse, similar to sea salt or breadcrumbs. If the grind is too fine, it can clog the basket and make the coffee bitter. If the grind is too coarse, it can make the coffee weak and watery. You can also use pre-ground coffee, but make sure it is suitable for percolating.
  3. Add the coffee grounds to the basket. Use a measuring spoon to scoop the coffee grounds and place them in the basket. The general rule of thumb is to use one tablespoon of coffee per cup of water, but you can adjust this according to your preference. You can also use a paper filter to line the basket, which can help prevent the grounds from escaping into the coffee. However, this is optional, and some people prefer to skip the filter for a more authentic percolated coffee experience.
  4. Place the basket and the lid on the percolator. Make sure the basket is securely attached to the tube, and the lid is tightly closed. If the lid is loose, it can cause the water to spill or evaporate, which can affect the coffee quality.
  5. Plug in or place the percolator on the heat source. If you have an electric percolator, plug it in and turn it on. If you have a stovetop percolator, place it on a burner and set the heat to medium-high. Wait for the water to boil and the coffee to percolate.
  6. Watch and listen for the percolating. You’ll know the coffee is percolating when you see bubbles or steam coming out of the spout, or hear a gurgling or bubbling sound. This means the water is circulating through the coffee grounds and extracting the flavor and aroma. The percolating time will vary depending on the type and size of your percolator, but it usually takes between 5 to 10 minutes. You can also check the color and strength of the coffee by looking through the glass knob on the lid, if your percolator has one.
  7. Turn off or remove the percolator from the heat source. Once the coffee is done percolating, you’ll need to stop the brewing process. If you have an electric percolator, it will automatically turn off or switch to a warming mode. If you have a stovetop percolator, you’ll need to remove it from the heat source and place it on a trivet or a heat-resistant surface. Be careful not to burn yourself, as the percolator will be very hot.
  8. Remove the basket and the grounds. Before serving the coffee, you’ll need to remove the basket and the grounds from the percolator. This will prevent the coffee from becoming over-extracted and bitter. You can use a pair of tongs or a fork to lift the basket and the tube out of the pot. Discard the grounds or compost them. You can also rinse the basket and the tube with water to remove any residue.
  9. Pour and enjoy your coffee. Your percolated coffee is ready to drink. You can pour it into a cup or a mug, and enjoy it as it is, or add some milk, cream, sugar, or other sweeteners to your liking. You can also add some spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla, to enhance the flavor and aroma of your coffee. You can also store the leftover coffee in the percolator, and reheat it later, but it may lose some of its freshness and quality.

How to Choose the Best Coffee Beans and Water for Percolating

If you love percolated coffee, you might want to know how to choose the best coffee beans and water for this brewing method, as well as how to customize your coffee with some delicious additions. Here are some tips and ideas to help you enjoy your percolated coffee even more.

  • Coffee beans and water: The quality of your coffee depends largely on the quality of your coffee beans and water. For percolating, you should look for fresh, organic, and fair trade coffee beans that are dark roasted and pre-ground for this method. You should also use filtered or spring water that is clean and fresh, and preferably hot to speed up the brewing process.
  • Milk or cream: If you like your coffee smooth and creamy, you can add some milk or cream to your percolated coffee. You can use any kind of milk or cream, such as cow, goat, almond, soy, oat, or coconut milk, or half-and-half, heavy cream, or whipped cream. You can heat up or froth the milk or cream before adding it to your coffee, or use it cold.
  • Sugar or other sweeteners: If you like your coffee sweet and satisfying, you can add some sugar or other sweeteners to your percolated coffee. You can use any kind of sugar or sweetener, such as white, brown, raw, or cane sugar, or honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, stevia, or xylitol. You can also use flavored syrups, such as caramel, vanilla, hazelnut, or chocolate, to add some extra flavor to your coffee.
  • Spices: If you like your coffee aromatic and flavorful, you can add some spices to your percolated coffee. You can use any kind of spice, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, cloves, or turmeric. You can also use pre-mixed spice blends, such as pumpkin spice, chai spice, or apple pie spice. You can sprinkle the spices on top of your coffee, or mix them with the grounds before percolating.
  • Fruits: If you like your coffee refreshing and fruity, you can add some fruits to your percolated coffee. You can use any kind of fruit, such as oranges, lemons, limes, apples, pears, or berries. You can squeeze the juice of the fruits into your coffee, or add some slices or chunks of the fruits to your cup. You can also use fruit jams, preserves, or marmalades, and stir them with your coffee.
  • Nuts: If you like your coffee crunchy and nutty, you can add some nuts to your percolated coffee. You can use any kind of nut, such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, or hazelnuts. You can chop the nuts and sprinkle them on top of your coffee, or blend them with the milk or cream before adding it to your coffee. You can also use nut butters, such as peanut butter, almond butter, or cashew butter, and mix them with your coffee.

With these tips and ideas, you can make your percolated coffee more delicious and enjoyable. Experiment with different combinations and find your favorite ones. Cheers!


Percolated coffee is a classic and simple way to make coffee at home. It can produce a rich and robust cup of coffee that can satisfy your caffeine cravings and warm your soul. However, percolated coffee can also be customized and enhanced with some delicious additions, such as milk, cream, sugar, sweeteners, spices, fruits, and nuts. By adding these ingredients, you can make your percolated coffee more enjoyable and personal, and create different flavors and combinations that suit your mood and taste. You can also experiment with different coffee beans and water, and find the best ones for percolating. The possibilities are endless, and the results are amazing.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post on how to make coffee in a percolator, and learned some useful tips and tricks on how to use a percolator, and how to customize your coffee with some delicious additions. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to leave them below. I’d love to hear from you. And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your friends and family, and subscribe to my website for more coffee-related content. Thank you for reading, and happy percolating!